Applying deep learning on MuSHR
This tutorial is all about knowing how you can accomplish the task of deep learning on mushr.
Table of contents
Data connection (manualy)
The race car is powered on.
Connect PS4 joystick. Refer to the Connect the bluetooth controller.
Launch teleop.launch.
$ roslaunch mushr_base teleop.launch
Make sure the sensor you need is active. And check the topic of relevant data.
Here are some key topics
Intel® RealSense™ Tracking Camera T265
: IMU accelerate data
: Image data from one of the fisheye cameras
: Image data from the other one of the fisheye cameras
: IMU ayro data
: IMU odom data
Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435i
: Image data
: LiDAR point cloud data
: Motor speed
: Rotation angle of the servo
: Output of speed and angle information
seq: 34296
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: ''
steering_angle: -0.32584002614 #Steering angle, interchangeable with Servo position
steering_angle_velocity: 0.0
speed: 0.0 # Speed, interchangeable with Motor speed
acceleration: 0.0
jerk: 0.0
- Select the topics related to the data to be collected and run the bag record:
rosbag record [topic1] [topic2] [topic3]
- Now, use ps4 to steer your car around the track to collect data.
The image and point cloud data is large, so pay attention to the memory capacity or you will have lag and other problems.
- When you think you’re almost done collecting data, in the window running rosbag record exit with a Ctrl-C. Now examine the contents of the directory where the terminal is running. You should see a file with a name that begins with the year, data, and time and the suffix .bag.
we can examine it and play it back using the commands rosbag info <your bagfile>
and rosbag play <your bagfile>