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Data Collecting

1. Connect to PS4 controller

2. Check all the sensors needed are working

$ rostopic list

Topics we may need:

/car/[camera_name]/color/image_raw: RBG image from camera_name
/car/[camera_name]/color/image_rect_raw: RBG image from camera_name with frequency less than default as image raw so that the latency is less. 
/car/[camera_name]/depth/image_raw: Depth image from camera_name
/car/[camera_name]/depth/image_rect_raw: Depth image from camera_name with frequency we defined.
/car/scan/: data from lidar

3. Connecting data by Rosbag

rosbag/Commandline - ROS Wiki

Run the below commands:

  • If you want to choose the name of the files (“bag_name”) yourself you can do this instead:
    $ rosbag record -O path/[bag_name].bag [topic_name_1] [topic_name_2] …


$ rosbag record -O /home/…./test_data.bag /car/[camera_name]/depth/image_raw /car/[camera_name]/color/image_raw

The bag file is normally big a few G. Suggest saving the bag in an SD card with more space. Be careful, the car doesn’t have a lot of memory and it can crash.

  • If you only do
    $ rosbag record [topic]

    it will gives a bag_name automatically (date + hour)

We can redo the same command to obtain more topics but we have to use the new ‘bag_name’, otherwise it will cover the old one

We strongly recommend that you record the bag file on SD and try to transfer it to your own computer after that.

4. Contro the race robot with a PS4 controller