Data Collecting
1. Connect to PS4 controller
2. Check all the sensors needed are working
$ rostopic list
Topics we may need:
/car/[camera_name]/color/image_raw: RBG image from camera_name
/car/[camera_name]/color/image_rect_raw: RBG image from camera_name with frequency less than default as image raw so that the latency is less.
/car/[camera_name]/depth/image_raw: Depth image from camera_name
/car/[camera_name]/depth/image_rect_raw: Depth image from camera_name with frequency we defined.
/car/scan/: data from lidar
3. Connecting data by Rosbag
Run the below commands:
- If you want to choose the name of the files (“bag_name”) yourself you can do this instead:
$ rosbag record -O path/[bag_name].bag [topic_name_1] [topic_name_2] …
$ rosbag record -O /home/…./test_data.bag /car/[camera_name]/depth/image_raw /car/[camera_name]/color/image_raw
The bag file is normally big a few G. Suggest saving the bag in an SD card with more space. Be careful, the car doesn’t have a lot of memory and it can crash.
- If you only do
$ rosbag record [topic]
it will gives a bag_name automatically (date + hour)
We can redo the same command to obtain more topics but we have to use the new ‘bag_name’, otherwise it will cover the old one
We strongly recommend that you record the bag file on SD and try to transfer it to your own computer after that.